SEO Checklist for Beginners

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seo checklist for beginners

Building a fabulous website with valuable content takes a ton of time and effort. However, as many have discovered, that alone isnโ€™t enough to attract visitors. Undaunted and determined to persevere, you smartly set out to level up your SEO game. Itโ€™s the right play, but letโ€™s face it โ€” thereโ€™s a lot of things to do and keeping track of every SEO task is an absolute nightmare.

Sound familiar? Thatโ€™s precisely why weโ€™ve crafted the Ultimate SEO Checklist for Beginners. A point-by-point checklist, complete with detailed guidance on how to check off 40+ essential tasks you need to get discovered and dominate online.

SEO Checklist 2024

The Ultimate SEO Checklist

Get your copy of our Ultimate SEO Checklist for 2024. Unlock tips, tricks, and tools to rocket your website's search engine rankings. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting, this checklist is your secret weapon.

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One-time SEO Activities

This list of One-time SEO Activities section contains all the crucial tasks that you need to tackle to give your website the SEO foundation it needs for future success. Itโ€™s a set of essential tasks that, once completed and done right, will continue to benefit your websiteโ€™s search engine performance in the long run. From setting up Analytics and Google Search Console to creating a sitemap and submitting it for indexing, these activities lay the foundation for your websiteโ€™s SEO success. So, roll up your sleeves and dive in to ensure your website is equipped with the SEO essentials that will keep it climbing the search engine rankings.

1. Map out website structure

Mapping out your websiteโ€™s structure for SEO is like creating a roadmap for both users and search engines. Itโ€™s all about making navigation smooth and logical. Start with a clear homepage that branches out into categories or sections, like chapters in a book.

site structure mind map

Each section should have its own unique content, and the pages within them should be easily accessible from the main menu. When you structure your website this way, youโ€™re not only making it user-friendly but also sending strong SEO signals to search engines, helping them understand your content hierarchy and boosting your chances of ranking higher in search results.

2. Install an SEO-friendly theme

Choosing the right theme for your website is crucial. Look for themes that are SEO-friendly, meaning they are designed to be easily indexed by search engines and provide a smooth user experience. A well-structured theme will ensure your content shines and loads quickly, enhancing your SEO efforts.

3. Use a descriptive URL structure

Crafting user-friendly and descriptive URLs is essential. Avoid long, convoluted URLs filled with random characters. Instead, use URLs that clearly describe the content on the page. Clean and concise URLs not only help SEO but also make it easier for users to share and remember.

Fortunately, this is easy enough to change. On new WordPress sites, go to Settings > Permalinks > Post name.

url structure post name setting to use under permalinks

For existing sites, note that changing the permalinks structure can wind up doing more harm than good, in which case it is likely best to stick to the suboptimal structure.

4. Install an SEO plugin

To supercharge your SEO efforts, install an SEO plugin like Rank Math or Yoast SEO. These plugins offer valuable features like optimizing meta titles, meta descriptions, and providing real-time SEO suggestions. Theyโ€™re user-friendly tools that make on-page SEO a breeze.

We heartily endorse using Rank Math. It makes it easy to understand ways to improve your content.

5. Setup Google Search Console

Google Search Console is a treasure trove of insights about your websiteโ€™s performance in Googleโ€™s search results. Set it up to monitor keywords you rank for, your siteโ€™s indexing status, search queries, submit sitemaps, and any potential issues that need attention. Itโ€™s a must-have for any website owner.

google search console performance dashboard

Follow these instructions from Google to get started.

6. Setup Bing Webmaster Tools

Donโ€™t forget about Bing! While Google is the dominant search engine, Bing still commands a notable share of the market. Setting up Bing Webmaster Tools ensures your site is also optimized for Bingโ€™s search results.

bing webmaster tools

While less important than its counterpart above, it is still a box worth checking off.

7. Create and submit a sitemap

A sitemap is like a roadmap for search engines, guiding them to all the important pages on your site. Generate a sitemap and submit it to Google and Bing Webmaster Tools. Itโ€™s a simple step that can boost your siteโ€™s visibility.

xml sitemap example

Sitemaps are typically named sitemap.xml or sitemap_index.xml, but if youโ€™re having trouble locating it, you might try looking in your robots.txt file.

SEO plugins such as Rank Math and Yoast SEO provide the ability to handle sitemaps and configuration.

8. Ensure site is indexable

Check that search engines can crawl and index your website. Ensure that your robots.txt file and meta robots tags allow indexing, so your content can be discovered.

The most reliable method for checking if your page is indexed is by using Google Search Console. Simply select โ€œURL Inspectionโ€ from the left sidebar menu, enter your URL and click โ€œTest Live URLโ€. The result with either show up as โ€œURL is on Googleโ€ or โ€œURL is not on Googleโ€. And youโ€™ll have your answer.

google search console check indexing status

Power Tip: In the event you modify page content, for example to correct an on-page error, this page is where you can โ€œRequest Indexingโ€ to have Google recrawl your page.

9. Add schema markup to your pages

Schema markup provides search engines with additional context about your content. Implementing schema can lead to rich snippets in search results, enhancing your websiteโ€™s visibility and credibility.

schema rich snippets before and after comparison

For more information, check out Configuring โ€œSchema Markupโ€ in Rank Math.

10. Add/edit Open Graph (OG) tags

Adding or editing Open Graph (OG) tags is like giving your website a snazzy virtual business card for social media. You know when you share a link on Facebook or Twitter, and it magically shows a catchy title, a cool image, and a little blurb about the page? Well, thatโ€™s all thanks to OG tags! Theyโ€™re like the behind-the-scenes rockstars of social sharing. These tags help your content to stand out when shared on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and more, making people more likely to click, read, and engage with your content. So, go ahead and add or spruce up those OG tags โ€” your websiteโ€™s social media game will thank you.

11. Ensure site is mobile-friendly

Mobile-friendliness is not just a good practice; itโ€™s a necessity. Google prioritizes mobile-friendly websites in its rankings. Ensure your site looks and functions well on smartphones and tablets. You can check to see how mobile-friendly your site is with the Mobile Usability report in Google Search Console or by using Googleโ€™s mobile-friendly test tool.

mobile usability report google search console

12. Ensure site uses HTTPS

Website security matters. Switch to HTTPS to encrypt data between your website and usersโ€™ browsers. Google considers HTTPS a lightweight ranking factor, so itโ€™s essential for SEO and user trust. If your website is using HTTPS, it will show the โ€œlockโ€ icon on your browser.

https lock on authority pilot

Many platforms provide these certificates for free, otherwise you can acquire a free certificate from Letโ€™s Encrypt HTTPS.

13. Settle on a single domain

Choose one preferred domain (with or without โ€œwwwโ€) and set up canonicalization to avoid duplicate content issues. Consistency in your domain usage is crucial for SEO. You can use to confirm everything is working.

httpsstatus redirects results

14. Install an image compression plugin

Optimize your images for the web by using image compression plugins. Large, uncompressed images can slow down your site, and slow sites arenโ€™t SEO-friendly. Image compression plugins work to reduce the file size of your images without sacrificing quality. This means your pages load faster, and an overall improvement in site performance. When your website loads swiftly, it leads to a better user experience, lower bounce rates, and higher search engine rankings.

Platforms such as Wix and Shopify compress images automatically, but for WordPress we use ShortPixel Image Optimizer.

15. Get a free Google Business profile

If your website represents a local business, claim and optimize your Google Business profile. It helps your business appear in local search results and on Google Maps.

google business profile authority pilot

If your business depends on local SEO, establishing your Google Business Profile is likely the most important thing you can do. Providing you havenโ€™t already done so, you can claim your business here.

Analyze your competitorsโ€™ backlinks and identify opportunities to replicate or build similar high-quality links. Use backlink analysis tools like Ahrefs or Moz Link Explorer to uncover their link-building strategies. Pay attention to the websites linking to them and the specific pages theyโ€™re linking to. Are there any opportunities for you to get similar links? Reach out to these websites, showcasing why your content or offerings are equally valuable, if not better. Building relationships in your niche can lead to link-building opportunities too. But remember, itโ€™s not about blindly copying; itโ€™s about learning from your competitors and finding unique ways to earn those coveted backlinks.

SEO Checklist 2024

The Ultimate SEO Checklist

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Periodic SEO Activities

Periodic activities include tasks like content updates to keep your information fresh, checking for broken links that might frustrate your visitors, and assessing your keyword strategy to ensure youโ€™re staying relevant in search results. Itโ€™s all about keeping your digital presence polished, user-friendly, and search engine-friendly.

Below is a list of semi-regular SEO activities to engage in.

Broken links are like potholes. Fixing them ensures visitors have a smooth ride, while also helping search engines navigate your site without stumbling.

You can use the free W3C Link Checker to identify broken pages. To see only the relevant output, enter your website and in the Options choose โ€œSummary onlyโ€.

Alternately, you can identify broken links using Google Search Console. To access the results once Google crawls your site, click on Indexing > Pages and in the report look for โ€œWhy pages arenโ€™t indexedโ€ and click on โ€œNot found 404โ€. This will provide you with a list of pages on your website that are not indexed or served on Google.

The cure for broken links is redirects. SEO tools such as Rank Math include redirect features where you can add your page and forward accordingly.

18. Refresh declining content

Think of this as giving your old blog posts a makeover. Refreshing declining content means updating it with new information, better visuals, and a dash of SEO magic to make it sparkle again.

To find declining content on your website, look no further than Google Search Console. Grab the search performance report, use the date filter and pick the Compare mode.

google search console filter compare to find declining content

Then click the pages tab in the title and youโ€™ll be able to identify declining content candidates from your website content.

declining content measurement in google search console

19. Conduct a content audit

Completing a content audit for your website is like a thorough check-up to ensure itโ€™s in top shape. Start by compiling a list of all your existing contentโ€”blog posts, articles, pages, everything. Then, evaluate each piece for relevance, quality, and performance. Identify outdated or irrelevant content that needs to be updated or removed. Look for opportunities to refresh and improve existing articles with updated information and keywords. Pay attention to on-page SEO elements like meta titles, descriptions, and headers. Donโ€™t forget to analyze user engagement metrics, such as bounce rate and time on page, to gauge content effectiveness. The goal? To have a lean, mean content machine that delights users and impresses search engines, ultimately boosting your SEO rankings.

20. Conduct a content gap analysis

Conducting a content gap analysis begins with listing your target keywords and phrases you want to rank for. Then, use SEO tools like Ahrefs or SEMrush to identify your competitors and their top-ranking pages. Analyze their content and see where theyโ€™re hitting the mark that you might be missing. Pay attention to content types, topics, and keywords theyโ€™re ranking for but youโ€™re not. The goal is to spot gaps in your own content compared to the competition. Once youโ€™ve identified these gaps, create new, valuable content to fill them. Itโ€™s like giving your website a makeover with all the missing pieces in place, and search engines will thank you for it with better rankings and increased visibility.

21. Conduct site speed tests

When your website loads quickly, itโ€™s not just about a smooth user experience; itโ€™s a direct signal to search engines that you mean business. Google loves speed and rewards it with higher rankings. So, donโ€™t let sluggish loading times drag you down. Conduct regular site speed tests to identify bottlenecks, optimize your websiteโ€™s performance, and rev up your SEO game.

An image displaying exemplary PageSpeed performance results with a high score

Using Googleโ€™s PageSpeed Insights tool will highlight whatโ€™s slowing your site down and provide actionable suggestions on how to fix it. Use it to gain a faster, more SEO-friendly website.

Conducting a backlink audit for SEO is like giving your websiteโ€™s backlinks a health check-up. Start by compiling a list of all your backlinks using a tool like SEMrush or Ahrefs. Analyze each backlink for quality, relevance, and authority. Look out for toxic or spammy links that could harm your SEO efforts and disavow them using Googleโ€™s Disavow Tool. Identify broken or redirected links and fix them to ensure a seamless user experience. Pay attention to the anchor text used in your backlinks to make sure it aligns with your content and keywords. Keep an eye on the growth and trends of your backlink profile to see whatโ€™s working and what needs improvement.

23. Competitor stalking

Think of it as friendly rivalry. Or perhaps a cage match. Stalking your competitors is about obtaining valuable insights. Start by identifying your top competitorsโ€”the ones ranking high for your target keywords. Then, dive into their online presence. Scrutinize their content, dissect their keywords, and take note of their strategies. Tools like Ahrefs or SEMrush can be useful in this regard. Examine their backlinksโ€”where are they coming from and whatโ€™s the quality? Donโ€™t forget to also spy on their social media activity and user engagement. Itโ€™s not about copying but learning from their successes and mistakes. This intel will help you refine your SEO strategy, uncover new opportunities, and, ultimately, outrank the competition.

24. Update Google Business Profile

Your Google Business Profile serves as a digital storefront. Keeping it fresh and accurate helps people find you in the real world. But as we say time-and-time again, Google loves Google. There are rewards for playing within their ecosystem.

Maintain your profile regularly with updates for holiday hours and products/services. Furthermore, use this channel to share fresh content using the โ€œpostsโ€ feature to keep your followers up-to-date.

25. Social media love

Social media is a powerful way to get noticed and drive more traffic to your website. When you share your content on social platforms, youโ€™re opening up new avenues for people to discover your website and link to it. Plus, social signals such as likes, shares, and comments send out positive vibes to search engines, telling them that your content is relevant and engaging. This can boost your rankings and visibility in search results. So, donโ€™t underestimate the social media impact โ€” itโ€™s not just about likes and followers; itโ€™s about turbocharging your SEO and reaching a broader audience.

Link building is the secret sauce of SEO, and hereโ€™s why itโ€™s a big deal. When other websites link to yours, search engines like Google see it as a vote of confidence and legitimizing the value of your content. This boosts your websiteโ€™s authority and can lead to higher rankings in search results. But hereโ€™s the caveat: not all links are created equal. Quality matters more than quantity. You want links from reputable, relevant websites in your niche.

Building high-quality backlinks from reputable sources shows search engines that your site is a trustworthy source. You can spend the time it takes to learn how to build out your own link profile, or outsource to a search marketing agency. Authority Pilot provides a variety of scalable ร  la carte solutions with on-demand access to services like Link Outreach, Link Insertions, and Business Listings.

Now, for some tips on the link-building game: First, focus on creating killer content that others will naturally want to link to. Quality content is like a magnet for backlinks. Second, reach out to other websites in your niche and build relationships. Guest posting or collaborating on projects can lead to valuable backlinks. And third, monitor your backlink profile regularly to ensure youโ€™re not getting spammy or toxic links that can hurt your SEO.

POWER TIP: Using your Google Business Profile to create backlinks is one method to consider, although the more impactful strategy is to build quality backlinks using Link Outreach and Link Insertions that have a long-term impact on your rankings.

SEO Checklist 2024

The Ultimate SEO Checklist

Get your copy of our Ultimate SEO Checklist for 2024. Unlock tips, tricks, and tools to rocket your website's search engine rankings. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting, this checklist is your secret weapon.

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Regular SEO Activities

The benefits of blogging for business have been well laid out. The frequency of blogging, however, has been debated for years. Most experts agree that blogging 2-4 times per week is the best way to see increased traction from your SEO efforts. And if you find yourself in the โ€œOMG no chance I have the time or team to create 16 blog posts a monthโ€ category, the good news isโ€ฆ you donโ€™t have to! Our Blog Content Writing service allows you to easily order up a plan that suits your unique needs and industry. You get to choose based on content quality and word count. Set your project to reoccur monthly with the ability to cancel at any time. Itโ€™s a no-brainer when you think of the time and resources youโ€™ll save.

The activities below go hand-in-hand with each article and page you create on your website.

27. Monitor analytics and Google Search Console

Analytics and Google Search Console are your key players in climbing the ranks in SEO.

Analytics gives you the lowdown on whatโ€™s happening on your website โ€“ whoโ€™s visiting, what theyโ€™re clicking, and how long theyโ€™re sticking around. Itโ€™s your detective tool to uncover whatโ€™s working and what needs fixing.

On the other hand, Google Search Console is like a direct line to Googleโ€™s brain. It tells you how Google sees your site, flags any issues, and lets you submit your sitemap.

Together, theyโ€™re your dynamic duo for SEO success. Maintain a regular frequency of checking your progress, spot opportunities and fix problems. Then youโ€™ll be climbing those search engine rankings like a boss!

28. Find a primary keyword to target

Finding that perfect primary keyword for your SEO strategy starts with brainstorming potential keywords related to your content. Then, use keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, or SEMrush to assess their search volume and competition. Aim for keywords that strike a balance between being highly searched and having manageable competition. Long-tail keywords (phrases with more words) can be your secret weapon, as they often have less competition and more specific user intent. Once youโ€™ve picked your primary keyword, build your content around it naturally, making sure it fits contextually and provides value to your audience. Remember, itโ€™s not just about ranking; itโ€™s about serving the needs of your readers while staying relevant in the SEO game.

29. Determine search intent

Determining search intent for SEO is about figuring out what people are truly looking for when they type a query into that search bar. When you understand their intent, you can create content that matches it like a glove.

Searches primarily fall into one of these categories:

  • Blog post
  • Interactive tool
  • Video
  • Category page
  • Product page

Figuring out which of these apply to your visitors is known as assessing search intent. Are they seeking information, looking to buy something, or trying to find a specific website? So, whether itโ€™s informational, transactional, or navigational, deciphering search intent will help you serve up content that ranks high, gets clicks, and keeps visitors happy.

How do you determine search intent?

Start by examining the search query itselfโ€”what keywords are used, and are they specific or broad? Look at the top-ranking pages for that query; theyโ€™re clues to what search engines think users want. Analyze the content on those pages. Are they mostly informative, transactional, or navigational? Donโ€™t forget to check out the SERP features; they reveal what Google believes best matches the intent. And last but not least, put yourself in the shoes of the searcher. What would you expect to find if you typed in that query? By combining all these elements, youโ€™ll be on your way to becoming an SEO detective, uncovering the secrets of search intent, and crafting content that hits the mark every time.

Letโ€™s look at an example of search intent shared by the ahrefs team. They use the search terms โ€œexcel for beginnersโ€ and video content dominates, and โ€œdays between datesโ€ that is populated by interactive tools.

search intent example from ahrefs showing video intent and tool intent

30. Research content people crave

Researching content that people crave starts with tuning into your target audienceโ€™s conversations on social media, forums, and comments sections to uncover their burning questions and pain points. Keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner and tools like AnswerThePublic can help you identify popular search queries. Keep an eye on trends and hot topics in your niche through Google Trends and industry news. Donโ€™t forget to spy on your competitors to see whatโ€™s working for them. And lastly, surveys and direct feedback from your audience can be goldmines for content ideas. The key is to stay curious and attentive to your audienceโ€™s needs.

31. Optimize headings and subheadings

Headings and subheadings are like signposts on a road trip. They help readers navigate and understand your content easily. Google looks at headings and subheadings to better understand a pageโ€™s content.

For example:

  • <h1> Pet Food
    • <h2> Dogs
      • <h3> Kibble
      • <h3> Canned
      • <h3> Raw
    • <h2> Cats
      • <h3> Dry
      • <h3> Wet
      • <h3> Semi-moist

Header tags provide structure and context for articles. They break up blocks of text with subheadings, thereby making your content more scannable. Plus, theyโ€™re a logical place to include related keywords.

With each article you create, be sure to structure with headings and subheadings for optimal results.

32. Hook readers with great blog post intros

The first few seconds is your make-or-break opportunity to grab a readerโ€™s attention and keep them reading. Come up short in your intro and they donโ€™t read your content, they wonโ€™t take actions like sharing, linking, or converting. To generate compelling a compelling intro, the PAS copywriting formula is a good place to start.

pas formula for copywriting

For example, letโ€™s look at an example for a fitness app.

Problem: โ€œAre you struggling to stay motivated and reach your fitness goals?โ€

Agitate: โ€œYouโ€™ve tried countless diets and workout routines, but then enthusiasm fizzles and youโ€™re back to square one.โ€

Solution: โ€œNow imagine that youโ€™ve found a fitness app that not only tracks your progress, but also gives you personalized workouts and daily motivation. Say hello to our Chump-2-Champ app. It transforms your fitness journey and keeps you on track to a healthier, fitter lifestyle.โ€

33. Edit copy for simplicity

Winston Churchill once said, โ€œOut of intense complexities, intense simplicities emerge.โ€ Clarity wins hearts and minds, and the man spoke with a voice that resonated with people of all ages and levels of education.

When you use plain, clear language thatโ€™s easy to understand, youโ€™re not only catering to a broader audience, but also gaining points with search engines. Google and friends appreciate content thatโ€™s user-friendly because it aligns with their mission to provide the best possible results to users. Plus, straightforward content is more likely to be shared and linked to, which are like gold stars in the SEO world. Think simple and relatable โ€“ itโ€™s the SEO recipe that speaks to both humans and search engine bots alike.

Share the love by pointing readers to trusted sources. It shows youโ€™re well-connected in your field and improves credibility.

When you link to authoritative, related sources, you show search engines that youโ€™re all about providing value. They love that! Plus, it keeps readers engaged and makes your content more informative. Linking to relevant resources can also lead to backlinks. When other websites see your content as a valuable resource, theyโ€™re more likely to link back to you, boosting your websiteโ€™s authority and rankings.

35. Add visual goodies

Walls of text discourage consumption appealing and tend to overwhelm rather than engage. By adding images and graphics to your content, it brings your story to life and captivates your audience. In the SEO world, this visual appeal is more important than you might think. Images not only make your content more engaging and shareable but also provide a valuable opportunity to use keywords in alt text and file names, which can boost your SEO. Moreover, when your content includes eye-catching visuals, visitors tend to spend more time on your site, reducing bounce rates and sending positive signals to search engines. So, whether itโ€™s a jaw-dropping infographic or a relatable meme, donโ€™t hesitate to sprinkle your content with images and graphicsโ€”your SEO and audience will thank you for it!

36. Image optimization

When you optimize your images, youโ€™re not just making your website look good; youโ€™re also telling search engines what your pictures are all about. Itโ€™s like giving them eyes to see. Properly named image files and alt tags provide context that search engines use to understand your content better. Plus, optimized images load faster, improving your websiteโ€™s overall speed and user experience, which search engines adore. If you want your website to run smoothly, rank higher, and engage users effectively, take the time to properly optimize images and graphics on your website.

37. Create compelling title tag and meta descriptions

These elements are the first things users see in search results, and they can make or break that click. A captivating title tag and meta description not only entice users to click but also give search engines a clear signal about your contentโ€™s relevance. When they match the content and include relevant keywords, itโ€™s like waving a giant flag that says, โ€œThis is what youโ€™re looking for!โ€ Higher click-through rates and better alignment with search intent can lead to improved rankings. So, donโ€™t underestimate the power of your title tags and meta descriptions.

38. Set SEO-friendly URL slug

Setting an SEO-friendly URL slug gives your webpage an online address. Make it short, sweet, and easy to find. It helps both users and search engines understand what your page is all about. When your URL slug matches the topic of your content, it makes it easier for people to guess what theyโ€™ll find when they click. Plus, search engines love it when everything lines up neatly โ€“ your title, content, and URL. Itโ€™s like youโ€™re telling them, โ€œHey, Iโ€™m super relevant!โ€ This can lead to better rankings because search engines can quickly figure out what your page is about and who would find it useful.

39. Add schema markup for rich snippets

Adding schema markup for rich snippets is your ticket to standing out in the crowded search engine landscape. When you use schema markup for your articles, youโ€™re providing search engines with extra information about your content, such as ratings, reviews, product prices, and more. This extra info shows up in search results as eye-catching snippets, making your listing more clickable and attractive to users. Not only does it boost your click-through rates, but it also helps search engines understand your content better, potentially leading to improved rankings.

40. Include a Table of Contents where appropriate

Including a table of contents in your content is like rolling out the red carpet for both readers and search engines. Itโ€™s all about making life easier. For your readers, itโ€™s a roadmap โ€“ they can quickly see what your content offers and jump to the sections that interest them most. This keeps them engaged and satisfied, which can reduce bounce rates and improve dwell time, two factors Google loves. Plus, when search engines crawl your page and see a table of contents, it helps them understand your contentโ€™s structure and hierarchy.

If youโ€™re aiming to improve your SEO and user experience, a table of contents is a small yet powerful addition that can make a big difference.

41. Connect the dots with internal links

Internal links are akin to hidden treasure. They connect the dots within your own website, guiding both users and search engines through your content. When you link one of your pages to another, itโ€™s like saying, โ€œHey, check this out, itโ€™s related!โ€ This not only keeps visitors on your site longer, reducing bounce rates, but it also spreads link authority across your pages. This means that the SEO juice youโ€™ve earned on one page can flow to others, helping them rank better in search results. So, when youโ€™re crafting your content, donโ€™t forget to sprinkle those internal links to improve your websiteโ€™s SEO and user experience.

42. Promote content with outreach

So youโ€™ve crafted your content masterpiece. Now what? Share your content with the world like a boss! Repurpose as social media posts, promote by using your email list, or elevate using services like our Link Outreach, Link Insertions, and/or Content Syndication to access larger audiences, increase brand visibility and gain valuable backlinks.


Staying on top of SEO is increasing in importance. Thereโ€™s actually too much to leave to memory, no matter how seasoned you are. Thatโ€™s why a checklist can serve as a powerful reminder of ways to propel rankings. Be diligent, patient with the process, and results will follow.

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An SEO checklist serves as a comprehensive guide to ensure that you’ve covered all essential aspects of optimizing your website for search engines. It helps you improve your site’s visibility, rankings, and overall performance.

Results vary, but with consistent effort, beginners can start seeing improvements in a few weeks to a few months.

Not necessarily. While having technical knowledge can be helpful, this guide was written to be user-friendly and accessible to those without extensive technical skills. It provides clear, straightforward guidance.

Our guide empowers beginners to take the DIY route, but it does require considerable time, and hiring a professional can expedite and optimize results.

Absolutely. SEO is an ongoing process. Our checklist covers essential one-time optimizations, but to maintain and improve your rankings, you should regularly create quality content, build backlinks, and monitor your site’s performance.

All your marketing deliverables under one roof

Whether you need expert SEO management, high-performing PPC campaigns, strategic link building, or compelling content creation, weโ€™ve got you covered.

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  • Boost your siteโ€™s authority and search rankings with strategic, high-quality paid link placements on relevant, authoritative sites

    Paid Link Insertions

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  • Increase local visibility and improve rankings by ensuring your business is accurately listed on top directories and search platforms

    Business Listings

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  • Expand your reach and drive more traffic by distributing content across high-authority sites, increasing visibility and engagement

    Content Syndication

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  • Gain media exposure and boost brand visibility by distributing your news to top-tier outlets, driving traffic and credibility

    Press Release Distribution Services

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  • Engage your audience and boost SEO with well-researched, SEO-optimized blog posts that build authority and drive organic traffic

    Blog Content Writing Services

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  • Craft compelling, keyword-optimized copy that improves search rankings, engages visitors, and drives conversions

    SEO Copywriting Services

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  • Simplify complex ideas and captivate your audience with engaging, high-quality explainer videos that boost understanding and drive conversions

    Explainer Video

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Unleash Your Inner SEO Beast Mode!

Get ready to dominate your SEO with the Ultimate SEO Checklist for 2024. Audit and improve your site's SEO rankings, optimizing the experience for users and search engines.
  • Contains help with Basic SEO, Technical SEO, Local SEO, On-Page SEO, Link Building and Keyword Research
  • Actionable tasks with supporting documentation
  • Wordpress, Wix, Shopify and other platforms
SEO Checklist 2024